Last monday I met a friend in a park.
After talking and laughing and watching the kids playing, my friend told me that he couldn't afford anymore the feeling of working like a donkey to live like a frog.
In other words, my friend, who always seemed to me such a practical, positive and selfconfident guy, for the first time ever disclosed to me what was causing him so much unger and disspear.
His words echoed very deep in my head and on the last days I've been thinking about myself and what's going on with me.
For instance, I assumed I was ill and went to the doctor to check my forearm and uncles, the diagnosis, not so bad but to take care of, painkillers and therapy.
"What else could I expect for the life I chose to live and the things I'm doing nowadays?" were the predominant questions heating me really deep in my mind on my way back to the office after the doctor.
Not many answers came out, except the recognition that my body is now starting to suffer the consequences of not knowing where my life is going and if there's any chance to stop for a while, look around and just feel and see.
The issue, if it could be called issue, is that day after day I'm assuming more obligations, I'm choosing to do more things and think on different projects, whilst I could easily stay where I'm, and say "no sir, not anymore, not for this time, thanks for asking" and instead I accept new challenges and keep thinking whatelse can I do.
And here the feeling of going nowhere appears again, silently but brutal, making me feel that time is passing by too quickly and there isn't much I can do to stop it.
This is how nature works, appears to be the more comfortable answer.
Well, as soon as I finish this post I will have to go back to work, but in the meantime and after you read these lines, have you ever wondered yourself doing something different because you finally found what you were looking for? God bless us all.